This is a picture of Huns in Taiwan, the same race as Germans.
Why are poor criminals so arrogant? 'I have a right to commit crimes.' They just don't get it, both Nazis and Talibans. Christoph Scherrer's attitude is, 'Please feel sorry for us.' These are self-righteous pigs and Huns.
If they'd be humble, we would help them. Who wants to pay to educate Nazis and Talibans as they are? Nobody likes them. Their arrogance means they are proud criminals. You can see that on each and every hideous frowning German face. Even if you help them they'd stab you from behind the back. 'I'm proud to be a criminal.' Even if their parents or grandparents were openly into crime, the burden of guilt seems to lie on the present and future generations of Germans for they never change. It takes intellect to learn, grow and change.
It is no excuse to say 'I have poor genes which is why I'm a criminal.' If you know this, don't try to associate with normal, healthy people of the world, or you'd be shat upon.